Articles Categorized: Upper School

Women and girls in science: voices from Waynflete

In the spirit of International Women and Girls in Science Day, we asked a few students to share more about their passion for scientific exploration   Eva Hankowski '26 shares her perspective on science's real-world impact: "Science [has] a tangible impact...

Waynflete celebrates Martin Luther King Jr.’s legacy through art and dialogue

Last week, our Middle and Upper School students honored Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.'s legacy through meaningful discussion and artistic expression. Upper School students welcomed Black Travel Maine founder Lisa Jones, retired educator and community leader Merita McKenzie, and artist...

The Can We? Project brings story exchange to Cape Elizabeth community

Inspired by their work with Waynflete’s Can We? Project and partners at Narrative 4, Can We? students at Cape Elizabeth High School recently led a multigenerational story exchange for members of the community at Thomas Memorial Library. The story exchange...

Maine students bridge divides at Can We? Connect conference

More than 240 students from 14 Maine high schools gathered at the Augusta Civic Center yesterday for the Can We? Project's annual Can We? Connect conference. As the second of three retreats during the school year, Can We? Connect included...

Middle and Upper School students excel at Maine Junior Classical League’s fall convention

The Junior Classical League (JCL) at Waynflete explores the mythology, archaeology, and culture of ancient Mediterranean civilizations through a blend of modern technology and traditional learning. This club also participates in the Maine Junior Classical League’s (MEJCL) two annual conventions,...

Upper School students practice dialogue skills at Can We? Project retreat

Upper School students recently participated in the first of three day-long Can We? Project retreats that provide opportunities to practice engaging in dialogue across political and other differences. The day included activities that focused on listening, inquiry, empathy, and perspective...

Project Story Boost: Fostering a love of reading since 2001

Project Story Boost is a literacy initiative that has been bringing Waynflete students and Reiche Community School kindergartners together since 2001. Upper School students visit Reiche on a weekly basis throughout the academic year to read with their kindergarten buddies....

The Can We? Project teams up with Narrative 4 to train local schools in story exchange

Upper School faculty member and advisor Rhoen Fiutak, along with Waynflete trustee Cricket King P’26, recently joined students and faculty from Waynflete, Cape Elizabeth, Yarmouth, Gorham, and Windham high schools for a daylong Story Exchange facilitator training workshop, led by...

The Outliers Robotics team dominates in New Hampshire finals

The Outliers robotics team recently traveled to New Hampshire to compete in the final robotics competition of the calendar year. The two-day competition wrapped up with the inaugural “Girls Behind the Glass” event that required all drive team members to...

Students cast ballots in 2024 mock election

You may have heard—it's Election Day! Liv Therrien ’25, Mia Haley ’26, and Gianna Barbieri ’25—who are all members of Youthwork Makes the Boothwork, an organization that aims to get young people involved by serving as poll workers—recently organized an...

Magic in Franklin Theater: Upper School students wow audiences with “Mean Girls” production

Forty-two talented cast and crew members took Franklin Theater by storm this weekend, performing their incredible production of Mean Girls for three packed houses. The show was filled with passionate performances, creativity, joy, and laughter. Thank you to all those...

Upper School students engage in a special advising day

Our Upper School students recently participated in their special advising day, a valuable opportunity to pause classes and engage in meaningful work as a community. They divided into advisory groups and completed a variety of community service projects. When asked...

The Flyers excel in international public speaking championships

Waynflete had a successful tournament at the International Independent School Public Speaking Championships in Hamilton, Bermuda. Luccia Moraes ’25 made it to the finals in impromptu speaking and qualified for Worlds this spring based on her overall performance. Athena Esbjörn-Hargens...

Cleaning up and giving back: Waynflete Upper School students participate in community service projects

Students in grades 9–10 recently participated in grade-level community service days at the following organizations as part of the Upper School Community Engagement Program: STRIVE (Socialization, Transition, Reflection, Innovation, Vocation, and Education) is a nonprofit organization based in South Portland...

Learning beyond borders

Thirteen Chinese language students recently traveled to Taiwan for a 12-day educational sightseeing and school exchange program. Splitting their time between Taipei and Yilan in eastern Taiwan, our students gained insights into the history, traditions, architecture and culture of Taiwan...

The Class of 2024 is off!

The Class of 2024 is poised to attend a number of impressive colleges and universities! Explore the list below to discover where our graduates will be headed in the fall.  Bard College Bates College Boston College Boston University Bowdoin College...

Waynflete gathers to celebrate the class of 2024 with a touching “clap-in”

Another year, another wonderful Senior Clap-In! Watch the full video of faculty, staff, and students cheering on the graduating class at    

Will Barmby ’24 spreads the word about The Can We? Project

Love listening to podcasts? Give this episode a try! Senior Will Barmby joins Waynflete’s Director of Third Thought John Holdridge, Maine Policy Institute’s (MPI) Chief Executive Officer Matt Gagnon, and MPI’s Director of Legislative Affairs Jacob Posik for a conversation...

The Flyers perform well at the National Science Olympiad tournament

On May 25, fifteen Upper School students competed in the National Science Olympiad tournament at Michigan State University. The team earned their spot at the tournament by winning the Maine State Science Olympiad tournament in April. Sixty teams with students...

Celebrating success: Upper School students wow at Maine Model UN Conference

Congratulations to all the Upper School students who participated in the Maine Model UN Conference! The Flyers gave an impressive performance, earning several accolades. Luccia Moraes ’25, Omari Brent ’27, and George Tagtmeier ’26 earned “Best Delegate” awards; Aelia Russell...

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